As on the date of this post, this playlist features seven recent Sanskrit songs (listed below) with lines from four texts: the itihasā Mahābhārata, the Upavedā Nāṭyaśāstra, the Mahākāvya Naiṣadhīyacarita, and the (to use historian Shonaleeka Kaul's characterisation found in The Making of Early Kashmir) 'iconic' Kalhaṇa Rājataraṃgiṇī:
Kashmir an abode of Indian Knowledge kāśmīrairmahite caturdaśatayīṃ vidyāṃ
Śrī Kṛṣṇa Kaśmīra & the coronation Of Yaśovatī in Kalhaṇa Rājataraṃgiṇī
Śrī Ganeśa in Bharatamuni Nāṭyaśāstra and Kavi Kalhaṇa Rājataraṃgiṇī
For a recent paper in which Kashmir and Bhārata feature significantly, in the context of the Nāṭyaśāstra, see: Landscape in the Nāṭyaśāstra and clues to its spatial origin: A study in 2019
Image below combines observations received from scholars: