You might have noticed that since the Taliban took over Afghanistan, the Indian left and Islamists have been firing on all cylinders to try to equate the Taliban to Hindutva. The fact that they are subsequently asking the BJP-led Indian government, which they allege is the equivalent to Hindu Taliban, to give asylum to innocent Afghan Muslims shows the shallowness in their reasoning and base hatred for Hindus. The latest example of the Global Left smearing Hindu cultural revivalism is the "Dismantling Global Hindutva"conference, which 45 American universities have shockingly endorsed either tacitly or actively. This is just the latest example of academic Hinduphobia progressing to Hindumisia, as editor of Swarajya Magazine puts it.
The first article by Sandeep Balakrishna has more details on it; If you live in the U.S. I advice you to contact the presidents of these universities and your Congressmen about how bigoted this conference. The second link has a one-click button to email the presidents of these 45 universities.
Please, please sign and share this petition by HIndu American Foundation to send a letter to the 38 universities supporting/sponsoring this joke of a conference. They have already been sent 650,000 letters, which has resulted in 7 universities rescinding support. The conference website now removed all university logos, since they were using them without those universities' permission in order to give the conference credibility.
HAF Petition: Petition: