What we consider modern science today may be modern from today's standards. But we have always heard about the planes in Ramayan times, advanced weaponry during Mahabharat times, explorations in macro space-level discoveries to micro molecular level Ayurvedic treatments. Were those myths or real?
“trisokah rathah kutsenasatah nrrnavahat” In Rig-Veda 6-62-6 specifies vimana as means of air transport.

The following ancient literatures mention Vimanas (Ratha, air chariots, airplanes, spaceships and spacecrafts) and propulsion systems.
Rig Veda
Yajur Veda
Srimad Bhagavatham
Vaimanika Sashtra
Samarangana Sutradhara
Manuscripts from Ashoka
Sage Saunaka gave five categories of Vimanas. Notable among them are…
…the use of Vanaspathi oil driven viman,
...Mercury vortex gas engine,
...Solar Energy and
…Power from air driven engines. [Pannaka Mahamuni].
Read the full article on From Vedas to Space Science for interesting insights and Examine the proofs, facts and implementation techniques from Vedic times.
From Vedas to Space Science is an interesting presentation by the author to explore the roots of these scientific advancements from Vedic times through the lens of contemporary space science.