The Chandi Path is one of the most ancient and complete systems of mantra worship of the Divine Mother Goddess in the Hindu tradition.
The name Chandi comes from the word “chand” which in Sanskrit means to tear apart. The spiritual meaning of Chandi is “She Who Tears Apart Thought”. The recitation of the Chandi Path is designed to guide the reader’s awareness into the presence of Chandi – the Divine Mother Herself – so that all conflict of mind may return to Peace.

The Chandi Path comes from chapters 81 to 93 of the Markandeya Purana, one of the greatest spiritual treasures of Hindu spirituality. It is a universal epic which tells the story of how the Businessman and the King discover the Glory of the Goddess.
Read the 12 Chapters on Chandipath :
Any transliterated versions available for the above chapters?
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