Dear Friends,
Of late, (though since many decades), the Halaal Economy has become a major threat. It is a "business model", so to say, for raising funds for anti-Hindu strategies.
For pursuing the causes we cannot depend on donation-model alone. There has tio be a Dharmik business framework that reciprocates the payers with some valuable service.
I have taken time to create one such platform. But more important, in the process, I have created a major documented work - a mega-book of 512 pages titled Vyavsaay Upanishad. The Hindi version is launching soon, hopefully by end of this month.
I will be happy to do a introduction. The best method is to schedule is to get in touch with Nupur Dixit ji on
In a nutshell, the Vyavsaay Upanishad comes packaged as a book + entire content also orated by me on 225 videos + a number of interest-specific sub-forums.
In the initial stages, I plan working with people who'd like to become VU Experts.
Only with cooperative Dharmik businesses, we shall be able to thrive. It is Kalyug.
Thank you.